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Getting too much lubricant
You just can't have too much lubricant. For many women adding a lubricant to lovemaking can make sex go from uncomfortable to ecstatic. To make things even better, combine the lubricant with female topical arousal gel to get herlimit. And this is not just about women who experience the "vaginal dryness" that can happen quite normally in women as they age; this can be about adding pleasure. Lubricant can enhance female pleasure. Women can suffer from sexual boredom just like men. According to many experts on relationships and female sexuality—if a woman is feeling emotionally connected and loved—she is turned on forever. It is men who need sexual variety.
Important to learn how to give pleasure
It amazes me and stuns me that women stay in a place of uncomfortable sexual endurance rather than a place of delicious sexual pleasure. Many women's sexual experiences could be remarkably improved by learning how to receive pleasure as opposed to developing skills on how to give pleasure. If you look around, there are a million courses on how a woman can learn to please a man. It is embedded in our culture. We have created a culture of women "doers" as opposed to giving permission for women to simply receive.